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AKITA JALT meetings in 2003
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Guest speaker: John F. Fanselow
Date: Wednesday, August 27 (2003)

The important thing is to use learners' knowledge."

Professor John Fanselow is the president of International Pacific College, in Palmerston North, New Zealand. For much of his career, he has been closely associated with Teachers College, Columbia University, where he served as Chair of the TESOL department and developed TC's M.A. in TESOL program in Japan. Dr. Fanselow served as president of TESOL in 1981-82.

Takeshi Suzuki talked about Dr. Fanselow's greetings to his IPC students when he introduced the guest speaker on August 27. You can read the message. Click here.
Read "An ESL MiniConference Online interview with John Fanselow". The page includes some John Fanselow links. Click here

"(I) - Ichiro - (+) likes - to - (p) play - (the picture of a bat and a ball) baseball.
(?) Did - (M) Matsui - (+) like - to - (R) read - (the picture of a book) New Crown English textbook?...

Guest speaker: John F. Fanselow
Date: Wednesday, August 27 (2003)
Title: Workshop "Your rapport was great, but. . .!"

21 people attended the meeting to listen to the speaker.

Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Akita: August
Guest speaker: John F. Fanselow
Title: Workshop "Your rapport was great, but. . .!"

The speaker for Akita JALT's August 27 meeting was Dr. John F. Fanselow, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University and president of International Pacific College in Palmerston North, New Zealand. Titled "Your rapport was great, but. . .!", Dr. Fanselow's talk focused on the need for experienced teachers to think "outside of the box" in order to get learners to involve themselves in direct, non-limiting communication, beginning by demonstrating simple whiteboard techniques for eliciting sentences while lowering barriers to production.
Reported by Mark Cunningham
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