TOM MERNER'S Presentation on Elementary School English Education
April 21, 2001 at MSU-A

See the pictures of his presentation

read the handout in Japanese

A letter from Tom Merner to Akita and Iwate JALT

Hello everyone,
Just to thank you all for all the work you went through for my presentations in Akita and Iwate. I had a wonderful time visiting the two cities I have never been to and meeting so many people I had never met before. The cherry blossoms were so beautiful and I truly enjoyed the hospitality the both chapters provided for me.
Thank you for taking me around Akita and showing me the various places and thank you for already putting all the things up on your website. I failed to see the photos you took, but still clearly remember those beautiful cherry trees in front of MSUA.
Mark, Dave, Yumiko-san,
Thank you for having me over and I am wishing activities at Akita Chapter will continue to be Genki! Hope I can see you again down in Kitakyushu.
Mary and Iwaizumi-sensei,
Thank you for everything in Morioka. I was so surprised to see so many people attending. Maybe it reflects the interest in elementary school English in Akita. I hope you can provide support to all those who are interested in making English in elementary school a success.
I am also glad that the your two chapters may be heading toward a cooperating relationship. We may see a very GENKI JALT up in Tohoku in the near future.
Looking forward to the next opportunity visiting and meeting you all!

Thanks again.

handout no: 1 prepared by Tom Merner
read the handout in Japanese

Introducing Public Elementary School English and the Monbusho
Practical Handbook for Elementary School English Activities
Tom Merner (Japan College of Foreign Languages)
JALT Akita Chapter Meeting
April 21st 2001

Period for Integrated Study (Sogotekina Gakushu no Jikan)International Understanding and Foreign Language Conversation

Practical Handbook for Elementary School English Activities
 (Part 1: General Principals, Part 2: Practical Examples)

 Chapter 1 Purpose of English Activities

 Chapter 2 What Kind of English Should Instructors Teach

 Chapter 3 What Kinds of Teaching Methods Exist

 Chapter 4 How is the Yearly Activity Plan Created?

 Chapter S How Should a Lesson be Planned

 Chapter 6 Activities that Students Enjoy

 Chapter 7 How to Make Teaching Material and Tools

 Chapter 8 Preparing an Environment for English Activities

 Chapter 9 How is Student Progress to be Measured?

 Chapter 10 English Often Used in Classrooms

 Chapter ll A Brief Note to JTEs Working with ALTs

Background, Current Conditions, and Future DirectionsStudies at Pilot Program Schools, Efforts by Local GovernmentsImplementation of "Sogotekina Gakushu no Jikan" (Period of Integrated Study)Inclusion of English Conversation within the "International Understanding" optionDiverse Perceptions of Elementary School English Among Teachers and AcademiesParental, Social Demands and Expectations

Various Support ProgramsMonbusho, Teacher Groups and Organizations, Institutions, NHK, etc.

Issues that Urgently Need to be ConsideredClear and Practical Goals of Elementary English Instruction Resources (Teachers, Curriculum, Material, Methods, etc.)Are Fun Lessons with Games, Songs, Skits, Role-Plays Enough?No Reading? No Writing?Teacher TrainingWill English Become a Formal Subject of Public Elementary Schools?(Why?, When?, How?)Links with Junior/Senior High School English and the Influences

Personal Perspectives
The realities of FLES and FLEX Programs
English is not an official subject of Elementary Schools yet!
-Clearing the misunderstandings and discouraging over expectations -
Children absorb English just as "sponges"
Avoid forcing the adults' leaning habits onto children
The importance of "input"
Not a "top down" but a "bottom up" way of leaning
- The meaning of nurturing a "zest-for-living" in the Period of Integrated Studies -
The problems of PPP (Present-Practice-Produce)
The first step to acquire skills to communicate in English
"Experiential Leaning" in English Activities - "I understood!" "I could say it!"
Promoting Action Research in the Elementary School English Classrooms

handout no: 2 prepared by Tom Merner
Elementary School Course of Study (December l4th, l998)
Implemented from April lst. 2002
Chapter I General Rules3
Handling of the Period of Integrated Study

1. In the Period of Integrated Study, each school must conduct educational activities, according to the conditions of the local community, school, and the children, with activities which have been devised in ways that they are cross-curricular and integrated studies based on the interest and curiosity of children.

2 Instruction within the time frame of the Period of Integrated Study must be based on the following aims.

(1) Developing skills and abilities of problem-solving by identifying    issues themselves, learning, thinking, and making judgments on their own.

(2) Making children able to think about their ways of living by acquiring means of learning and thinking, and developing attitudes to engage themselves in problem-solving and investigative activities voluntarily and in creative ways.

3 Each school must conduct learning activities according to their own circumstances, with the aims stated in 2 above, with cross-curricular and integrated topics such as international understanding, information, environment, or welfare and health, based on the students interests and curiosities, and also with issues in accordance with the characteristics of the local community and school.

5 when conducting learning activities within the Period of Integrated Study, the following points must be considered.

(1) When conducting foreign language activities within the learning of  international understanding, experiential learning, appropriate for the elementary school level, where children are exposed to foreign languages and are familiarized with the lifestyles and cultures of other countries, must be conducted according to the conditions each schools are in.

Explanations for the Elementary School Course of Study (May, 1999)

 Chapter 3 Structuring of the Course of Education and it's implementation

 3 The handling of the Period if Integrated Study

7) Points to be considered when implementing learning activities for the Period of Integrated Study

When conducting foreign language activities within the learning of international understanding, experiential learning, appropriate for the elementary school level, where children are exposed to foreign languages and are familiarized with the lifestyles and cultures of other countries, must be conducted according to the conditions each schools are in.

Foreign language studies in elementary schools have been conducted in class hours such as club activities in the past. With the implementation of the Period of Integrated Study, when conducting foreign conversation learning within this time frame, it is important that activities take forms of experiential learning, appropriate for the elementary school level, where children are exposed to foreign languages and are familiarized with the lifestyles and cultures of other countries, and do not become an early start of junior high school foreign language education.

As for examples of such activities, songs, games, simple greetings and skits,

experiential activities such as make-believe plays focusing on the speech of the language, international exchange activities with children of other countries such as exchanging art and craft with sister schools, communication with native speakers in order to familiarize the children with foreign languages and give students interests and curiosities of foreign life styles and cultures can be considered.

handout no. 3 prepared by Tom Merner

トム マーナー(日本外国語専門学校)

read the handout in English



 第2章 どのような英語を扱うのか
 第4華 年間活動計画をどう作るのか
 第5章 1時間の授業をどう組み立てるのか
 第6章 子どもが楽しむ活動
 第7章 教材や教具はどう作るのか
 第8章 英語活動の環境を整える
 第9章 子どもの変容をどうとらえるか
 第10章 教室でよく使われる英語
 第11章 ALTとティーム・ティーチングを行う教師へ



  top downでなくbottom up-総合的な学習における「生きる力」とは?
  先生方も研究者-Action Researchの勧め

handout no. 4 prepared by Tom Merner
英語指導方法等改善の推進に関する懇談会報告 (平成131月)







3 小学校における今後の英会話学習の在り方


 今後、小学校における英会話学習の在り方については、「総合的な学習の時間」における実施状況について詳細な調査・分析を行うとともに、研究指定校を設け、その在り方について研究を行う必要がある.さらに、研究開発学校における研究実践、子どもの言語習得の特質などを踏まえつつ、教科としての英語教育の可能性等も含め、今後も領極的に検討を進める必要がある.         __________________________





handout no. 5 prepared by Tom Merner
1章 総   則

3 総合的な学習の時間の取扱い

1 総合的な学習の時間においては,各学校は,地域や学校,児童の実態等に応じて,横断的・総合的な学習や児童の興味・関心等に基づく学習など創意工夫を生かした教育活動を行うものとする

2 総合的な学習の時間においては,次のようなねらいをもって指導を行うものとする.



3 各学校においては,2に示すねらいを踏まえ,例えば国際理解,情報,環境,福祉・健康などの横断的・総合的な課題,児童の興味・関心に基づく課題,地域や学校の特色に応じた課題などについて,学校の実態に応じた学習活動を行うものとする.

4 各学校における総合的な学習の時間の名称については,各学校において適切に定めるものとする.

5 総合的な学習の時間の学習活動を行うに当たっては,次の事項に配点するものとする.  

 3)国際理解に関する学習の一環としての外国語会話等を行うと きは,学枚の実態等に応じ,児童が外国語に触れたり,外国の生活や文化などに 慣れ親しんだりするなど小学校段楷にふさわしい体験的な学習が行われるようにすること.

小学校学習指導要領解説 総則編 平成115

3章 教育課程の編成及び実施

 第3節 総合的な学習の時間の取扱い

   7 総合的な学習の時間の学習活動の展開に当たっての配慮事項




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