"GENKI" English education homepage by T. Suzuki

English Drama Team (6th graders)
Ozaki Elementary School

桃太郎 Momotaro (Peach Boy)


Eight students (6th graders) of Ozaki Elementary School in Honjo city have decided to practice and play an English drama during their "Sogo tekina Gakushu no Jikan". I was asked to translate the Japanese script into English. The original script had been written by the students. I was also asked to help the 8 students improve their English.
Takeshi (Saturday, September 28, 2002)

The bad ogre, the dog and the cat practicing Peach Boy on October 17, 2002.


The play was performed at Ozaki Elementary School on October 19, 2002 when the school festival, "Ozaki Festival" was held. It attracted a big audience.

 See the pictures.

my Message to the 8 students of the "Peach Boy" English drama team:
Monday, October 21, 2002

You did a good job! Congratulations to all of you. I am very proud of you.

I enjoyed helping you with your English. I hope you will like to learn English. It is important for you. The world is getting globalized and internationalized very fast. You will need good English skills for your success in the future. Please enjoy learning English.

My comment about your choice of the play "Momotaro". It was a good choice. It is more than just a "mukashi banashi" to me. It tells us an important message to all of us today.

The world is full of problems. Akita has problems. So does Japan. So does the world. They are your problems. You will have to work hard to solve them in the future. What causes the problems? I think the bad ogre is the cause.
世界は多くの問題を抱えています。秋田にも問題がありますし、日本にも又世界にもたくさんの問題があります。これらの問題は皆さんの問題でもあります。皆さんが将来解決していかなければならない問題です。何が原因でこれらの問題が起こっているのでしょう。私が考えるに悪い鬼(=the bad ogre)が多くの問題の根源ではないかという事です。

The bad ogre lives in human mind. For example you can be a bad ogre by bullying the weak or the handicapped. Sometimes you can be a bad ogre just by being selfish or indifferent. Everybody can be a bad ogre unless you are very careful. Be cautious and patient. Keep learning to love others as you love yourself.
鬼(the bad ogre)は全ての人間の心に住んでいます。例えば弱いものをイジメたりするのは the bad ogre のせいではありませんか。自分のことしか考えない"自己虫"、他人の痛みを感じる事が出来なかったり全く無関心な態度を取ったりすることも the bad ogre に心を奪われているからではありませんか。このように考えると the bad ogre にならないためには、大変な注意と忍耐と努力が必要です。自分を愛する事を学び、他人を愛する事を学び続けて下さい。

You should fight like you did in the drama if necessary. It is not easy, I know, but you can do it because you are special. And remember that you have special "kibidango" or millet dumplings to give you special power when you need one. ;-) (=this is my wink mark :-)
どうぞ英語劇で皆さんが演じたように鬼(the bad ogre)との戦いを忘れないで下さい。戦いは厳しいでしょうが。皆さんは the bad ogre に負けない強さがあると信じます。忘れないで下さい。皆さんには秘密のスペシャル"きびだんご"がある事を。;-) (=私のウィンクマークです。:−)

It was great that I had a chance to help you though it was just on several short occasions.

Good luck to all of you, your family and friends. Be "genki" and happy until I see you again.
皆さんと、皆さんの家族、又友達にグッドラック! そして元気でハッピーでね。また会いましょう。

Takeshi Suzuki

Monday, October 21, 2002



NA: Narrator ナレーター PB: Peach Boy 桃太郎
GM: Grandmother おばあさん GP: Grandfather おじいさん
DO: Dog  PH: Pheasant キジ
CA: Cat  OG: Ogre

NA 昔々あるところにおじいさんとおばあさんがいました。
A long, long time ago an old man and his wife lived in countryside.

NA おじいさんは毎日しばかりに、おばあさんは川に洗濯に行っていました。
Every day the man went to the mountains to gather firewood and his wife washed clothes in a river.

NA おばあさんが洗濯をしていると、川上の方から
One day, as the old woman was doing her washing, something big came bobbling downstream.

PB 「ドンブラッコッコ ドンブラコッコ」
Bobbling Downstream! Bobbling Downstream!

GM 「何と大きな桃でしょう。家にもっていってじいさんと一緒に食べよう。」
What a big peach! Let's take it home. I can eat it with my husband.

GP 「何と大きな桃でしょう。じゃあ、切ってみよう。」
What a big peach! Let's cut it.

GM 「そうしましょ、そうしましょ。」
Yes, let's.

GM 「おおー、何ともかわいらしい子供だこと。」
Oh, my God! What a sweet boy he is!

GP 「よし。桃から生まれたから桃太郎と名付けよう。」
He came out of the peach. Let's call him "Momotaro" or Peach Boy.

NA 桃太郎はグングングングンと大きくなりました。そして、
Peach Boy grew up bigger and bigger and …

PB 「ぼく、鬼退治に行って来る」
I will go and punish the bad ogre.

GM 「やめなさい。殺されるに決まっている。」
Stop it. He will kill you.

GP 「そうじゃ。そうじゃ。大人でも勝てないのに、子供が勝てるわけない。」
She is right. He is too strong for you. You are just a boy.

GM 「そうじゃ、やめてちょうだい。」
He is right. Please stop it.

PB 「いや、ぼくは行く。きっと鬼を退治して返ってくる。」
No way. I will go. I will punish the ogre and come back.

GP 「そうかい、そこまで言うのなら行っておいで。幸運を祈って、日本一の旗を作ってあげよう。それとキビダンゴも作ってあげよう。」
All right. We give up. You can go. We will make you a beautiful flag for your luck. The most beautiful flag in Japan. And we will make you some "kibidango" for your journey.

PB 「ありがとう。おじいさん、おばあさん。」
Thank you, Grandfather and Grandmother.

NA そして,おじいさんとおばあさんは一生懸命,旗ときびだんごをつくりました。
And Grandfather and Grandmother worked hard making the flag and some "kibidango" for the Peach Boy.

GP 「桃太郎。これが日本一の旗じゃ。がんばってこい。」
Peach Boy, this is the beautiful flag. Take care. Good luck!

GM 「これがきびだんごよ。落とさないでね。」
Here are the delicious "kibidango". Don't drop them.

PB 「はい。おじいさん,おばあさん行って来ます。」
Thank you. Grandfather and Grandmother. Good-bye.

NA 桃太郎は鬼ヶ島を目指して歩いていきました。その時,犬に会いました。
Now Peach Boy is heading for the Ogre Island. On his way he meets a dog.

DO 「桃太郎さん,桃太郎さん。手も持っているものは何ですか。ワンワンワン」
Peach Boy, Peach Boy. What are you carrying in your hand? Bowwow, bowwow.

PB 「これは日本一のきびだんごだよ。一緒に鬼退治に行ってくれるのなら,一つあげるよ。」
They are the best "kibidango" in Japan. If you help me punish the ogre, I'll give you one.

DO 「分かりました。お供するので一つ下さいな。」
All right. Please give me one. I will go with you.

PB 「分かった。はいどうぞ。」
OK. Here you are.

DO 「ありがとうございます。」
Thank you very much.

NA そして,犬と桃太郎は鬼ヶ島を目指して歩いていきました。すると,キジに会いました。
Peach Boy and the dog are on their way to the Ogre Island. Soon they meet a pheasant.

Peach Boy, Peach Boy. What are you carrying in your hand? Ken, ken ken.

PB 「これは日本一のきびだんごだよ。一緒に鬼退治に行ってくれるのなら,一つあげるよ。」
They are the best "kibidango" in Japan. If you help me punish the ogre, I'll give you one.

All right. Please give me one. I will go with you.

PB 「分かった。はいどうぞ。」
OK. Here you are.

PH 「ありがとうございます。」
Thank you very much.

NA そして,犬とキジと桃太郎は鬼ヶ島を目指して歩いていきました。すると,ネコに会いました。
Now they are three of them - Peach Boy, the dog and the pheasant. They are on their way to the Ogre Island. Soon they meet a cat.

CA 「桃太郎さん,桃太郎さん。手も持っているものは何ですか。ニャーニャーニャー」
Peach Boy, Peach Boy. What are you carrying in your hand? Meow, meow, meow.

PB 「これは日本一のきびだんごだよ。一緒に鬼退治に行ってくれるのなら,一つあげるよ。」
They are the best "kibidango" in Japan. If you help me punish the ogre, I'll give you one.

CA 「分かりました。初めてで役に立たないかもしれませんがお供します。」
All right. Please give me one. I may not be of much help because this is the first time for me. But I will try my best.

OK. Here you are.

CA 「ありがとうございます。」
Thank you very much.

NA そして桃太郎と犬とキジとネコは、鬼ヶ島を目ざして歩いていきました。
And Peach Boy, the dog, the pheasant and the cat continued their journey to the Ogre Island.

DO 「あ、!あれは何だワンワンワン」
Oh! What is that? Bowwow, bowwow.

CA 「桃太郎さん、あの島が鬼ヶ島じゃないでしょうか?ニャンニャンニャン」
Mr. Peach Boy, isn't that the Ogre Island? Meow, meow, meow.

PB 「うん。たぶんそうだ。海を泳いでいくぞ。」
Yes, perhaps. It must be it. We will swim to the island. OK?

DO, PH, CA「はい。」
Yes, sir.

NA 桃太郎と犬とネコは一生懸命泳ぎ、キジは一生懸命飛びました。
Peach Boy, the dog and the cat swam very hard and the pheasant flew hard to the island.

NA バシャバシャジャブジャブ
Splash, splash, splash.

NA バタバタバタバタ
Flap, flap, flap.

PB 「よし、ついたぞ!みんな覚悟はいいかー!」
OK. We are here. Are you ready?

DO, PH, CA「オー!」
Yes, we are ready.

NA そして桃太郎たちは島の中にどんどん入っていきました。
And Peach Boy and the three companions marched on looking for the bad ogre.

Where are you, the bad ogre? Come out.

CA 「そうだ、出てこーい。」
Yes. Come out.

OG 「私をよんだかね?」
Are you looking for me?

DO 「あっオニが出てきた。」
That's the bad ogre.

PB 「おい、オニ。一番えらいオニを連れてこい。」
Bad Ogre. Where is your boss, the worst ogre? Bring him here.

OG 「それは私だ!」
That's me. I am the boss here.

PB, DO, PH, CA「えっ!?」

PH 「あのー。オニは一人しかいないようですが…。」
It looks that there is only one ogre around here.

Yes, it looks so. It is strange. Usually there are several ogres living in a group.

I think this ogre has bad "seikaku" or bad character. That's why he has no friends.

You may be right. OK, everybody, there is only one bad ogre. We will fight and punish him.

Bad Ogre, are you ready to fight?

OG 「まってくれ、俺は性格がいいオニだぞー。」
Wait a minute. I am a good ogre. My character is good.

What? Do you have good character?

OG 「ああ、そうだ。」
Yes, I do.

Do you mean you are kind and friendly?

OG 「ああ。」
Yes, that's right.

If you are kind, you must return all the treasures to village people.

NA オニは悩みました。ここで、自分がいいオニか悪いオニか決まるのですから。
It is not easy for Bad Ogre to give up all the treasures. But if he decides not to return them, he will be an ogre with bad character.

NA オニは決めました。
Finally he's made up his mind.

OG 「わかった。宝は全部返そう。」
OK. I understand. I will return all the treasures to village people.

Thank you. You are doing the right thing. And one more promise. Don't be bad any longer. Stop doing a bad thing from now on. Can you make a promise?

NA オニは困りました。悪いことをするのが毎日の楽しみだったからです。
Now the bad ogre is really troubled. For him doing a bad thing everyday is his pleasure. He enjoys doing it. He can't stop it.

No, I can't promise that.

NA そういって、オニはいきなり暴れ始めました。
Having said that, the bad ogre started being violent.

PB, DO, PH, CA「ヤッ」「ワンッ」「ニャンッ」「ケンッ」
Here I go. Bowwow, bowwow. Meow, meow, meow. Ken, ken ken.

NA 桃太郎たちの攻撃でオニは負けてしまいました。それから、桃太郎は宝をもって家に帰りました。
Peach Boy and his companions were strong because they had eaten the best "kibidango" in Japan. And they defeated the bad ogre. After that, Peach Boy went back home with all the treasures.

PB 「おじいさん、おばあさん、ただいま。」
Grandfather, Grandmother. I am home.

Oh Peach Boy you are back. You did a great job.

NA そして、桃太郎は村のみんなに宝を返して、みんなと幸せに暮らしました。
All the treasures were returned to village people. And Peach Boy, his grandfather, grandmother and village people lived happily ever after.

the end


NA: Narrator ナレーター PB: Peach Boy 桃太郎
GM: Grandmother おばあさん GP: Grandfather おじいさん
DO: Dog  PH: Pheasant キジ
CA: Cat  OG: Ogre

The original Japanese script of the drama was written by 6th grade students of Ozaki Elementary School and later was translated into English by Takeshi Suzuki.

8 students have chosen to practice and play the English drama for their activity of "Sogo tekina Gakushu no Jikan." They are now practicing their English and will perform the English drama in front of big audience on the 18th of October, 2002, when the school festival (OZAKI Festival) is held.

I hope that the 8 students will have a good time practicing and performing the drama and that through their experiences they will be more interested in learning English.
Takeshi Suzuki (October 9, 2002)




Dear my 6th grader friends:

Be Genki. Work hard. Enjoy the practice!
Send me E-mail or just Call me if you have any questions.

Takeshi Suzuki

I often tell my students the following:
"Don't think that I am teaching you English! Because I can't. I am only helping you to learn English. You will learn to speak English well if you follow my advice and are willing to learn English for yourself. Someday you will be able to think in English as I do."
Takeshi Suzuki

Read My Diary 4(from January 1, 2003)

other pages:

Akita JALT
My Message
My MSU-A Speech
PALS English Class
Hi! We are PALS students
My thoughts about MSU-A

Takeshi Suzuki was asked to give a keynote speech for Winter 2001Honors Convocation held at MSU-A on February 22, 2001. You can read the full script of the speech

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