JALT photo album 55
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AKITA JALT meetings in 2010
picture album page 3 - the 5th meeting of 2010
(go to the September meeting)


Guest speaker: Natsumi Onaka
Associate Professor, Iwate University International Center

Date: July 10th, 2010
Title: Extensive Reading and ICT contents: guiding university students to be better English readers
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Place: AIU (Akita International University)

9 people attended.
Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Guest speaker:
Natsumi Onaka
AKITA – July 2010 - Extensive Reading and ICT Contents: guiding university students to be better English readers– Natsumi Onaka. Professor Onaka started with an introduction to the problems in Japanese high school English education and then went on to detail her Reading Marathon voluntary program at Iwate University International Center. Extensive Reading methodology for the program was then elucidated. The remainder of the talk focused on the interactive MSUERT project to deliver pre- and post- reading tests over mobile devices, and how the Reading Marathon program is being integrated with it. A lively question and answer period took place at the end of the presentation.
Reported by Wayne Malcolm

AKITA JALT meetings in 2010
picture album page 3 - the 6th meeting of 2010
(go to the July meeting)


Annual General Meeting
Discussion of National & Akita-JALT business & Akita Officer elections

Guest speaker: Hiratsuka Takaaki and Wayne Malcolm
Associate Professor, Iwate University International Center

Date: September 25th, 2010
Title: Student-teacher interaction and the stances teachers take in the classroom while making and implementing decisions
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Place: AIU (Akita International University)

8 people attended.
Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Guest speaker:
Hiratsuka Takaaki and Wayne Malcolm
AKITA – September 2010 - Exploring and Investigating Non-Judgmental Stances – Hiratsuka Takaaki and Wayne Malcolm. This joint presentation covered a recent research study into student-teacher interactions within the classroom, and how teachers make and implement decisions. The focus of the talk was on data collected by the two researchers starting a comparison between "Action Research" with "Exploratory Practice." Takaaki and Malcolm are using an exploratory practice design to guide the study. They reviewed the pertinent literature, and presented their data collection methodology and data analysis. The talk ended with a lively question and answer session discussing the merits and demerits, as well as implications of this particular qualitative study.
Reported by Stephen Shucart

more pictures
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Akita JALT

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