"GENKI" English education homepage by T. Suzuki
English Drama for the 5th graders  英語劇のスクリプト

The 5th graders of an elementary school in Akita city has decided to put on 4 English dramas in their newly starting English class. I was asked to translate the Japanese scripts the students are working on into English. If someone reads my translation and come up with the better words, please send them to me. Thanks.
Takeshi (February 2, 2002)

performing Snow-White 白雪姫
(the Japanese script sent by Erika Fujita and Miho Takahashi to Takeshi Suzuki on Feb 2, 2002)

神様、どうか私たちに、子供をおさずけください。 Please God. We pray for a child. Give us a child. Please.
お母様、死んではいや Oh, no. Mother, don't die!
鏡よ鏡。世界で一番美しいのは、だれ? Mirror, mirror (on the wall). Who is the fairest in the world? (Who is the most beautiful in the world?) 

Oh, Lady Queen. You are fair (beautiful). But Snow-White is fairer (more beautiful).

何をいっているの。世界で一番は、わたしでしょ。 What are you talking about? I AM the fairest (the most beautiful) in the world. Am I not?

Take the princess into the woods. And kill her.


Please escape from here. Go away. Go far away. 

あら、こんな所に・・入ってしまいましょう。 What is this? OK. I will come in.
このこは、だれだろう。 Who is this? 
美しい娘だね。 She is so fair (beautiful). She is so lovely.
まあ、小人さん達の家だったの。勝手に入ってごめんなさい。 Now I see. This house is for the seven dwarfs. Sorry I came in without asking.
いやあ、いいんだよ。どうしてここに? That's OK. But why are you here?
なんて、ひどいおきさきだ。 How bad and nasty the queen is!
ここで一緒にくらしなさい。 You can stay here. You can live with us.
ありがとう。 Thank you very much. It's kind of you. (It's nice of you.)
いいえ、白雪姫です。 No. I am Snow-White.
まだ、生きていたのか。こんどこそ、殺してしまえ。 She is still alive. She is not dead yet. I will kill her this time.
このりんごは、どうですか? Would you like this apple?
まあ、おいしそうなりんご。 It looks delicious.
くるしい。 The apple is poisonous. I feel pain. I can't breathe. Help me.
これで、世界は、わたしのもの。 Snow-White is dead now. She is gone. The world is mine now.
ただいま。白雪姫。 We are home, Snow-White.
姫がたおれている。死んでしまった。 The princess has fallen down. She is dead.
かわいそうだ。花をささげよう。 Poor princess (Snow-White). Here are flowers for her.  
なんて美しい姫だ。お別れのキスをしよう。 What a fair (beautiful) princess! We will kiss her goodbye.
ばんざーい、姫が生き返った。 My goodness! Snow-White has come back to life.
わたしと結婚してください。 Will you marry me?
よろこんで、おうけします I will be glad to.
おめでとう Congratulations!
おせわになりました。 Thank you all. Thank you for helping me. 
さようなら、おしあわせに。 Goodbye. Be happy.
今度こそ世界1だ。 This time I will be the fairest (the most beautiful) in the world.
いいえ、白雪姫は、生きています。世界1は、白雪姫です。 No, you are wrong. Snow-White is alive. She is the fairest (the most beautiful) in the world.
なに。私は、もうおこった。この剣で殺してやる。 What? Now I am so angry. I will kill her. Kill her with this sword.

(注) 原文では beautiful ではなくfairを使っているようだが、どっちでも良いと思います (Takeshi Suzuki)

「ザ・ドラえもんズ」 team
Doraemon ドラえもん
(Takumi, Ryo, Shunsuke, Kosuke, Ryota, Sho, Akihiro)


「ドラニコフ」と書いてあります。 Here it reads, "Dora-ni-kofu."
どうやって連れ戻すんだ How can we take him back?
とにかく探してみよう First we have to look for him. And we'll find him.
だめだ。ぜんぜんない It's no good. He is nowhere.
ん、ちょっとまてよ Wait a moment!
ぼくの住んでた場所といえば、せわしくんの家だ I used to live with Sewashi-kun.
早く、いくぞ Hurry up. Let's go. 
どこでもドア A "dokodemo" door is here.
さっそくさがすのであーる Search. Search. 
机の上にまた紙切れがあります There is another piece of paper on the desk.
ドラニコフを助けたければ過去へくるんだな、と書いている It says, "Do you want to help Dora-ni-kofu? If so, you must go back to the past."
よし、行こう OK. Let's go back to the past.
四次元空間がおかしい Emergency! Something wrong with the "yojigen-space" (hyperspace).
わあ Wow! Help!
よく来たな。ドラニコフのマフラーはここにある Welcome. Here is the muffler of Dora-ni-kofu.
ドラニコフもここにいる Dora-ni-kofu is here, too.
かえせ Get him back to us.
返してほしかったら、親友テレカをわたすのだ You want to get him back? If so, you'll have to give me "Shinyu-Teleka."
そうだ、丸い物をみせればいいんだ I have an idea. Let's show him a round thing.
今だ、親友テレカ Now you go, Shinyu-Teleka. It's your turn.
何をそれで取り返せるとおもっているのか、これでもくらえ It's a laugh. You can't get him back. This is for you.
おのれ、さらばだ Oh, clever boys! I say goodbye to you for now.
やったあであーる We've done it. We've made it!
めでたし、めでたし A great success! We did it again.

「きびだんご」 team
Momotaro (Peach Boy) 桃太郎

おじいさん、がんばって、しばかりをして、町でたくさん売ってきてくだされ。 Good luck, Grandpa. Cut a lot of firewood in the mountain and sell the wood in the town.
ばあさんや、しばがうれたらどっさりみやげを買ってくるからのう。 OK, Grandma. I will do my best selling the wood. And I will bring you back nice presents.
さて、せんたくを始めよう。 It's time to start washing in the river. 
いや、あれはいったい何じゃろう。 Wait a minute! What is that?
あれまあ、なんと大きなももじゃこと。 Well, well. It's a big peach. I’ve never seen such a big one.
おじいさんといっしょに食べようか。 Grandpa, let's eat the peach, shall we? 
さっそく食べよう。 Yes, let's eat it.
あんれまあ、なんともたまげた。ももから赤ちゃんが産まれてきたぞ。 Oh my goodness! A baby's come out of the peach.
名前は、桃太郎じゃ。 Let's name him Peach Boy.
今、都では、おそろしい鬼がおそってきて、大変な騒ぎじゃ。 We hear a lot of scary stories. A mean ogre appears in the city. He attacks people. He steals from people. 
よおし、ぼくがたいじしてやる。 I am a big boy now. I will go and conquer the bad ogres.
おまえは、日本一の力もちじゃ。 Yes, you are the strongest lad all over Japan.
世のため、人のため、わるい鬼をやっつけてきなさい。 Go and conquer the bad ogres. Fight for everybody in the world.
このきびだんごをもっていきなさい。 Take these dumplings with you.
桃太郎さん、おこしにつけたきびだんご。一つわたしにくださいな。 Mr. Peach Boy, may I have one of your dumplings?
これからどこへ行くのですか。 Where are you heading for?
鬼ヶ島へ鬼を退治しにいくのです。 I'm on my way to the Ogre Island to conquer the mean ogres.
おれいに私もおともします。 Let me go with you. 
さあ、鬼ヶ島へ出発だ。 OK. We will go together to the Ogre Island. Let's start, shall we? 
ありゃ、何だ、子供と犬とさるときじが城を攻めてきたぞ。 Look at that! A boy, a dog, a monkey and a pheasant are coming to attack us.
つかまえて、昼ご飯のおかずにしてしまえ。 We will catch them. We will eat them for lunch.
それ、鬼どもをやっつけろ。 Let's be brave. We will knock off the mean ogres. 
なまいきなこぞうたちだ。この金棒でころしてやるわ。 Shut up, all of you. I will knock you out with this iron club.
いたたたた。助けてくれー。 Ouch, ouch! Help, help me, please.
おまえが悪鬼のしょうたいだな。この桃太郎が成敗してやる。 You must be the bad mean ogre. I am about to conquer you.
ゆるしてください。 Please, please forgive me. I will never do a bad thing again.
よおし、反省したな。 Now I see that you are really sorry. 
では、都の人たちから、うばってきた宝を持ち主に返しなさい。 You have to do this. Give back the treasures to people in the city.  


「つるつる」 team
Tsuru no Ongaeshi 鶴の恩返し
(the Japanese script sent by Kana Taguchi to me on Feb 3, 2002)

かわいそうにたすけてやろう。 A poor thing! I will help you.
おお、さむいさむい。  It's so freezing. I am so cold.
おやだれだろう? Who is it?
さあはやく火に当たりなさい。 Come on. Come to the fire. Warm yourself.
これからどこにいくのですか?  Where are you heading for?
大雪でみちにまよってしまいました。 It's snowing so heavily. I got lost in the dark.
こんやひとばんとめてください。  Will you let me stay with you tonight?
とめてあげたいが、うちはびんぼうなのでふとんもごちそうもありません。 I'd like to help you. But I am so poor. I have no fine bed cloth. No good food, either.  
わたしはふとんもごちそうもいりません。  I don't need the bed cloth. I don't need the food. 
それならとまっていきなさい。 Then you can stay here.
ゆきがやむまでここにおいてください。 Will you let me stay here until it stops snowing?
わたしをおよめにしてください。 Will you marry me, please? I will make a good wife.
今日からおつるとよんでください。 Call me Otsuru from now on.
ぬのをおりたいので糸を買ってきてください。  Please buy me some thread? I'd like to make fine cloth for you. 
わたしがはたををおっているあいだはぜったいのぞかないでください。 Please promise me. Never peep! Never look into my room while I am making the cloth. 
ああのぞかない。 OK. I promise. I will never look into your room.
ぬのができました。  The cloth is ready.
この布を町にもっていったらたかくうれるでしょう。 Take this cloth to town. It will sell for a high price. You will get many coins.
ぬのはいりませんか?布を買って下さい。 Fine textile. Fine cloth. Buy this wonderful cloth.
その布はどんなものじゃみせてくれ。  Let me look at the cloth.
これでございます。 Here you are. Take a close look.
おつるのおかげで こんなにお金がてにはいった。ありがとう。  Thank you, Otsuru. I've got so much money for the cloth.
わたしは、おやくにたてればうれしのです。  I am pleased that you liked my work.
実は、おとのさまがもっとほしいとおっしゃってる。 Your cloth is so beautiful. Our lord likes it so much. He has asked me for another cloth.
すまんがもう1どおってくれ。  Will you make me one more? 
わかりました。  I understand.
できました。 The cloth is finished. It's ready.
でも布をおるのはこれでおしまいにしてください。 Please understand. This must be the last cloth.
ああ病気にでもなったらたいへんだ。  Yes, yes. You might get sick. I understand.
姫の着物を作るのじゃ。あといったんもってまいれ。  I want to make my daughter princess a fine kimono. Bring me one more cloth. 
もうぬのはおれません。  I'd given you the last cloth already. I can't offer you any more cloth.
言うこときかぬとくびをはねるぞ。  You must give me more cloth. If you don't, I will cut your head and kill you. 
では、もういったんだけおりましょう。  OK. Then just one more cloth.
おつるはぬのをおるたびにやせていく。 Otsuru is getting thinner and thinner for a cloth she makes.
だいじょうぶだろうか・・・・ うわ−−。 I am worried about her.… Oh, my God!
見てしまったのですね。 You've peeped and looked at me. You broke our promise. 
わたしは、いつか助けていただいたつるです。 I am a crane that you saved me.
でも、もうお別れしなければなりません。  But I can stay here no longer. Because you broke the promise. Goodbye.
つるでもいいからいかないでくれ。  I don't mind your being a crane. I love you. Please don't go away.
まっておくれ−、おつる。もどってきてくれ−。  Wait, Otsuru, please. Come back. Come back to me!

I often tell my students the following:
"Don't think that I am teaching you English! Because I can't. I am only helping you to learn English. You will learn to speak English well if you follow my advice and are willing to learn English for yourself. Someday you will be able to think in English as I do."
Takeshi Suzuki

Read My Diary 4(from January 1, 2003)

other pages:

Akita JALT
My Message
My MSU-A Speech
PALS English Class
Hi! We are PALS students
My thoughts about MSU-A

Takeshi Suzuki was asked to give a keynote speech for Winter 2001Honors Convocation held at MSU-A on February 22, 2001. You can read the full script of the speech

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